Please see below for a short video explainer on tokophobia and my reasons for choosing this topic for my documentary.
Exploring the topic
For my final year multimedia project, I decided to produce a radio documentary. I was struggling to settle on a topic before I came across a reference to tokophobia on social media.
Not knowing what tokophobia was, I asked friends and family if they'd heard of it. Everyone was just as clueless as myself. I even phoned up psychologists specialising in the treatment of phobias, many of these professionals had no ideas either.
Finding interviews
My next challenge was to find individuals willing to share their personal experiences regarding this phobia. I struggled to find anyone that wanted to talk on the record, be it due to fear of judgement or that their family members might find out.
But with the added security of anonymity, I received responses from a number of individuals and am now in the process of conducting these interviews.
For interview snippets and more exclusive content, be sure to check for updates regularly!
I am very excited about this project and hope to provide tokophobic individuals with the platform they deserve.